- Gyoji (Event)
6.jpg行事 / Gyoji恒例として日を定め取り行う催し
Event to establish it, and to take the day as common usage, and to perform...MORE - Matsuri
7.jpg祭 / Matsuri感謝や祈り、慰霊のために神仏および祖先をまつる儀式
The ceremony that is dedicated to the gods and Buddha and an ancestor for thanks and prayer, a memorial service...MORE - Kimono
8.jpg着物 / Kimono日本在来の衣服のこと。日本における民族服。和服(わふく)とも言う
It is Japanese usual clothes. Race clothes in Japan. I say kimono (WAFUKU)...MORE - Kyoto
9.jpg京都 / Kyoto794年に首都に定められた日本の古都。現在の首都は東京
The ancient city which was fixed for the capital for 794 years of Japan. The current capital is Tokyo....MORE - Others
10.jpg花見 / Hanami桜の花を鑑賞して春の訪れを寿ぐ日本の風習
Japanese manners and customs to appreciate cherry blossoms, and to congratulate coming of spring...MORE